Please take time to read the directions below and THANK YOU for being generous!
Now you can give your donation for Shining Light Ministries from the comfort of your computer, Tablet and phone. It's safe and It's secure!
Shining Light Ministries is using the services of PayPal.
1. Click on the “Donate” button.
2. If you do not have a PayPal account you still have the option to donate using your credit card or bank account.
3. To set up a Recurring Donation, when you get on the Donation page, check the checkbox next to "Make This Recurring (Monthly)".
You Have our Word! Shining Light Ministries will never email you and ask for your credit card or any personal information. All information will be entered through PayPals secure site below.
Shining Light Ministries discourages the irresponsible use of credit cards. We offer the opportunity to donate by credit card as a convenience for those who manage their finances in a God-honoring way. All offerings are tax deductible, however in accordance with IRS regulations; designated offerings may be put to alternate use.